A night of blissful anarchy!
As an American who has not grown up with Norway’s rock scene”, I was rather excited for this show. 3 bands, all with stories and music that set them apart. From different generations and different genres, but all with a mystique about them. All in their own way are “legends”. I went with high expectations and a curiosity about a few specific things.
The Flying Crap - I of course have heard the stories of The Flying Crap, and saw the sparkle in people's eyes whenever the name came up in conversation. Stories of TVS, shotguns and the police. There is a deep rooted southern fascination with this band, but was it just stories, memories and hype? Or are they actually a good rock band?
Honningbarna - the local “young” heroes of punk. I knew them from working on other projects and have been impressed by their raw energy and integrity. But i haven’t seen them for many years and I wondered if they have they evolved? Do they still mean what they say, or has it become merely a “good show”.
Turbonegro - i can’t say as I am so familiar with their music, but rather quickly in my transition to Norwegian society, I became familiar with the name of the band and more so with the front figure “Hank von Hell”. But the band I was seeing was a rendition without this front figure. I was curious what kind of energy I would get from them. As the “headliner” would give the night an explanation point, or just an ending? Meaning would they take it to another level, or just be the “closing band”.
Well, I must say from the moment Flying Crap took the stage, I was completely captivated. I was transported back to me teen years. I found myself, against my better instincts, throwing myself into the mosh pit. The music was powerfully put out, with youthful passion, but with grown up skills. I believed them from the first note. The energy in the crowd of course added to the whole experience. I do not think I was the only “old guy” forgetting he was an old guy. Luckily there was this 2.10m tall huge guy in a suit out in the pit. When I needed to rest, I would position myself just behind him as a kind of safety shield.
The gun references, at first I found humorous, as they played into every story I ever heard about them, but as it went on, I did find it became a bit too showy and rather un climatic when the booms where so obviously not real. (But of course also glad that it wasn't real.). The highlight was when the Greta Thunberg mask came out. I only wish it had stayed on a bit longer. The band was tight and fast and loud. Truly great musicians. All in all, as they came to an end, I was sweaty, tired and a bit beat up, but still feeling like a teenager.
Then came “The Boys”. Honningbarna started on “10” and took the whole place to 15. It was full on passion driven, conviction based in your face punk rock. I was thrown around, almost knocked down, picked up, the guitar player stage dived right on my head, my “hippy duckfeet” shoes were slipping on all the beer on the floor, and the whole time i felt like I was screaming at “The Man” full throated. Honningbarna has a genuine way of crossing the performer/audience divide. The whole time presenting that we are all in this together. Jumping into the crowd, playing from the crowd, crowd surfing with cello in hand, and all the while spitting out lyrics that have meaning and depth. If there was a bus to join that night, I think i would have been on it! Their music and presence was definitely a step up, and I saw that their music had aged very well with them becoming adults. As they finished, I felt a hardcore reminder from my body saying: You are not 17, you are 50! And for a moment my illusion was broken and reality was with me. But it was a good reality. I am 50, and I can do whatever I want. I’m more ready to fight for what I believe. Ready to live and dream and make a difference. It was just lovely!
I found myself out getting another cold beer, talking with friends and hanging out with my lady, when we heard the sounds of the final band, Turbonegro, starting. We made our way back to the front ready to rock. The music was tight and you can tell these guys are pros at what they do. They had overall good stage presence and some funny lyrics that many in the crowd were singing back to them. But I found myself just kind of board. The singer had prepared jokes/stories to tell, most felt rather rehearsed and a bit more just to provoke a reaction then to actually mean or say anything. After 2 bands that seemed to mean everything they said, it was just a bit of a letdown for me. It could be that I was just tired, and feeling my age. But it could be that they took for granted that the crowd was with them.
In the end, huge thanks to Dirty Old Town for giving me a night out with my Ktown friends, feeling like young. My evening was well spent, and i went home, slept deep and dreamt well.