Third Season


In Drammen, Norway - January 2010, 4 guys with a love for punchy punk-rock started making music together. These guys, consisting of Lasse, Petter, Jørgen, and Marius (vocals & guitar), founded the band The Luminary, but in February 2012 our name was changed to Third Season.

Since the band formed in 2010 there have been a few ups and downs. A few people going in and out. The band was put on ice for a few years as a consequence of the constant changes, and mainly because the vocalist/guitarist wanted to pursue his career.

In March 2015, our bassist came in touch with a vocalist/guitarist who played a solo gig. He thought: «He could be the role my band’s missing». In the fall later that year, Joachim André Normannseth had a try-out with the rest of the group. To see if it was a «fit». There happened to be an instant connection within the group.

Now, with a new lead vocalist/guitarist with the same dreams and ambitions as the rest of us, Third Season finally got brought back into the light. Where it should be!

Together, we’ve finalized our very first single «Pieces of Our Past». This single is a glimpse of our upcoming album. In the end, one of our dreams have come true. We’ve made it, we’re proud, and we’re looking forward to sharing this adventure with you!


-Source: Facebook

RockStream 2018

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IM K. Fossli: Rockstream hadde sin første festival noensinne i år 21.-23. juni, og i løpet av de tre dagene ble det spilleti...