Deep Purple


Deep Purple are an English rock band formed in Hertford in 1968. Along with Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath, they are considered to be among the pioneers of heavy metal and modern hard rock, although some band members have avoided categorising themselves as any one genre. The band also incorporated classical music, blues-rock, pop and progressive rock elements. They were once listed by the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's loudest band, and have sold over 100 million albums worldwide. Deep Purple were ranked #22 on VH1's Greatest Artists of Hard Rock programme.

The band has gone through many line-up changes and an eight-year hiatus (1976–84). The 1968–76 line-ups are commonly labelled Mark I, II, III and IV. Their second and most commercially successful line-up featured Ian Gillan (vocals), Ritchie Blackmore (guitar), Jon Lord (keyboards), Roger Glover (bass) and Ian Paice (drums). This line-up was active from 1969 to 1973 and was revived from 1984 to 1989 and again in 1993, before the rift between Blackmore and other members became unbridgeable. The current line-up (including guitarist Steve Morse) has been much more stable, although Lord's retirement in 2002 has left Paice as the only original member never to have left the band.


Tons Of Rock 2022 - Dag 3

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Lørdagen fikk en verst mulig start, da vi våknet opp til den grusomme nyheten om skyting og terror mot uskyldige mennesker som var ute for å hygge seg...

Deep Purple - Woosh!

Nunc consectetur turpis morbi dolor suere gravida

Harald Solberg: Deep Purple har ikke tenkt å gi seg enda, og er nå ute med sitt 21. studioalbum, Whoosh!. Helt fra fø...